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Every Child Can Do Math

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Every Child Can Do Math

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  • Every Child Can Do Math
  • Every Child Can Do Math
  • Every Child Can Do Math
  • Every Child Can Do Math
  • Every Child Can Do Math
  • Every Child Can Do Math
  • Every Child Can Do Math

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Every Child Can Do Math
E-Book-Every Child Can Do Math (3-8)
E-Book Combo-Every Child Can Do Math(3-8)
Site License-Every Child Can Do Math(3-8)
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Detailed Description

Deceptively Simple Activities to Develop Mathematical Thinking

Available in print (176 pp), as an E-book, in a combo of print and E-book and as a Site License

By Yeap Ban Har, PhD & Lorraine Walker
With these activities students literally see the math. They get their hands on it. They play with it. They discover the patterns and find the solutions on their own, guided by your careful questioning. The result: because students truly understand math, they're comfortable with the higher-level mathematical thinking they'll need to meet current grade-level standards and succeed in the years ahead.

These simple but powerful activities were created by noted Singapore Math expert Yeap Ban Har and adapted for American classrooms by math educator Lorraine Walker. No matter what math curriculum you use, you can supplement with these ideas and support your students as they experience real success with mathematics. These activities have the power to change students` lives!

Notes: Our E-books are in PDF format and can be viewed on your computer or on any compatible reading device. If you need more than 5 electronic copies, you might want to consider purchasing a Site License.

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